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Posture Reste FREE Masterclass

Feeling like you're starting to hunch?

Experiencing shoulder pain & neck problems?

Upper back feeling weak-or rounded?



Warm Up on the Beach

Posture Reset FREE Masterclass 16.30pm
24th October 2024

If you are feeling like you are starting to hunch?

Experiencing neck and shoulder problems? 

Upper back feeling rounded-or your back feels weak?

Always forcing your shoulders down the back?


Then this Posture Reset Masterclass is for you.


I created this free course after listing to so many clients tell me about posture issues, neck and shoulder pain, shoulder blade knots and more.


In this masterclass we will cover:


What "good posture" actually means


Chest tightness


Rounded shoulders 


Weak back muscles 


Upper back mobility (thoracic movement)


Breathing for better posture

Stretching on a Mat Outdoors
Fitness on Yoga Mat
Pilates Ring

This class is suitable for everybody

Forcing your shoulders down your back or pushing your chest forward is not the way to reset your posture, in fact it's likely to make matters worse.​

I know from 14 years of teaching Pilates that improvements in posture is often one of the first things people notice after starting Pilates. 


You'll learn simple and effective exercise you can do at home in 10 minutes or less.

Gain a clear understanding of what "good posture" ACTUALLY means (hint it's not what you think)


Recording will be available for a limited time to everybody signed up.

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